Proper oral health can contribute positively to your physical, social, and mental well-being. It can allow you to speak, socialize and eat without pain, embarrassment, and discomfort. Maintaining healthy gums and teeth with proper oral care is a lifetime commitment. Flossing and brushing, having routine dental visits, and eating nutritious foods are key parts of oral care to keep your gums and teeth healthy. Preparing for your dental appointment is as important as showing up. These are some important tips when prepping for your dental appointment:
Get a Trustworthy Dentist
You should get a dentist who is competent in helping you manage any anxiety that you may feel and has great communication skills. Dentists who have excellent communication skills can help you establish long-term dentist-patient relationships and reinforce convince. At the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa, we have a team of experts who are trustworthy and prepared to make your dental experience enjoyable.
Confirm Your Dental Appointment
Confirming your dental appointment in Ottawa is very important as you don’t want to show up too late or too early for your appointment. It is best to confirm your appointment at least 48 hours in advance.
Clean Up
You can ask your dentist if you should floss or brush before your appointment as different dentists have different preferences. If asked by your dentist to clean up, ensure you floss and brush your teeth.
Arrive Early
If you are new to the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa, ensure that you arrive a little early for your appointment so that you can fill in any necessary paperwork. Arriving early also allows you to relax before your appointment.
Face Dental Anxiety
Don’t be afraid to tell your dentist of your dental fears. Your dentist can help ease your anxiety by using TV, music, and sedatives.
Get The Details
Get all the information you can from your dentist, ask how long the appointment will last, what post-operative guidelines to follow, and whether you will need someone to accompany you to your appointment.
Get An Evaluation and Ask Questions
Ask your dentist any questions or concerns that you might have. Having your questions and concerns answered can help ease your anxiety and prepare you for what is to come. Some questions to ask include asking how the dentist will numb your tooth and the kind of anesthetic they will use, learning what to do and not to do before and after the procedure, asking about the steps of the procedure, and learning of the preparations to be made before the process.
Take Any Medication as Prescribed by Your Dentist
Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics before and after your procedure.
Avoid Caffeine Before Your Visit
Too much caffeine can make you jittery which could make it harder for your dentist to properly work on your teeth.
Provide Your Dental History
Ensure that you provide your dentist with your dental history. You might want to transfer your dental records to your new dentist from your previous dentist. This will help your dentist to properly evaluate you and come up with the required treatment plan.
Avoid Eating If Asked To
General anesthetic can be during an oral procedure and your dentist can instruct you to stop eating 12 hours before the procedure.
Arrange For Transport To And From the Appointment
Sometimes because of the anesthetic used, a patient can be unable to get themselves home.
Don’t Consume Alcohol Before Your Appointment
Having alcohol before your appointment might interfere with the clotting process during extraction. Drinking too much can cause you to throw up and could change how you react to the anesthetic.
Bring Your Insurance Information and Payment
You will pay for your dental appointment through your insurance provider, or you will have the dentist’s office send you your bill.
Get Good Night Sleep
Get enough rest as that will help calm your nerves and dispel anxiety. Lack of sleep could affect your abilities in terms of solving problems, judgment, and creativity. Good sleep can help set your body in a good mood.
Provide All Your Doses and Medications to Your Dentist
Ensure that you let your dentist know of any medications you have been taking and the exact doses. You can write the names of the medicine or bring them with and how frequently you have been taking care of them.
Schedule Your Next Checkup
Before you leave the dentist’s office, ensure that you set your next cleaning or checkup and ask to be reminded beforehand. This ensures that you are up to date with your appointments.
Preparing for your dental appointment will give you peace of mind as all you will have to worry about is your procedure. Schedule your dental appointment in Ottawa with us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre today.
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