
Healing After Laser Dentistry Surgery

Laser surgery is not just for hair removal; it’s also for a lot of other medical treatments. One of the things that it’s used for is gum disease. This type of treatment is good because healing time and discomfort is reduced. But there are of course precautions that one must take in order to make sure the surgery healing time rapid and healthy.

What is Laser Surgery?

Laser dental surgery is surgery to treat gum disease. The process of the surgery takes about four hours, and is done in two sessions. This is different from traditional methods because it requires less visits and no stitches. The laser itself removes bacteria and dead tissues by literally killing and absorbing it. There are also additional tools used to break up old tarter and other debris from the teeth. The initial process is then repeated and the gums are sterilized in order to promote quality healing. The best part is that there is little to no downtime after the procedure. This means that many can return to their regularly scheduled lifestyle following day.

After Care

After care for your mouth is kind of like aftercare for any other surgery on your body. It’s important to keep it clean and watch for any extra bleeding, severe pain, or a raised temperature. These could indicate serious health issues after the surgery and should be monitored. Just because you may feel good, don’t over exert your body physically to avoid negative healing effects.

And most importantly, don’t smoke. Smoking increases the amount of healing time and puts you at risk for infection. This could be a great time to quit smoking and other tobacco products, because you will have to forgo it during the healing process. You wouldn’t want to put your mouth in danger of having to be re-worked on because you couldn’t avoid cigarettes. Take the necessary steps, before you get the surgery, to reduce your intake to nothing.

Having laser dental surgery is probably your best bet when you have an issue with your gums. The technology has become advanced to the point where it won’t even significantly affect your daily life, which means a healthier mouth in less time for the long haul. After you have the work done you can be proud of your smile. Just make sure that you take the warnings seriously as you don’t want to have to do the procedure again by failing to follow instructions.

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