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Tips to Keep Your Breath Fresh this New Year's Eve

It's that time of year again! New Year's Eve is quickly approaching, and with it comes the holidays. This means parties, gatherings, friends, and family are all in your future. But what about your breath? It doesn't matter how much you brush or floss if everyone can smell it on you! Make sure to follow the holiday dental tips discussed in this post for fresh breath this holiday season.

Where Does Bad Breath Stem From?
Bad breath can stem from a variety of places. Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause, as bacteria and plaque can build up on your teeth and gums, leading to bad breath. Other causes include dry mouth, smoking, and eating certain foods such as onions or garlic. The best way to prevent bad breath is by practicing good oral hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day.

How Can Bad Breath Affect Someone?
Bad breath can be embarrassing and socially isolating. It can also affect someone's self-esteem, making them less likely to want to socialize or interact with others. Bad breath can also hurt one's professional life, as it can be difficult to make a good impression if your breath smells bad.

Tips to Keep Your Breath Fresh for New Year’s Eve
If you are looking to reduce the amount of bad breath that you have, then keep reading! Here are several holiday dental tips that will help you beat bad breath this New Year’s Eve:

Drink Lots of Water!
Water is key to keeping your mouth healthy and your breath smelling good. Not only does it help to wash away bacteria and food particles, but it also helps to keep your mouth hydrated. This means less plaque and bacteria will build up, and your breath will stay fresh all night long. The best thing about water is that it doesn't come with the added calories or sugar of some other beverages. It helps you avoid the dreaded party foul!

Freshen Your Breath and Kill Some Germs with Mouthwash
Mouthwash not only keeps your breath fresh but also kills germs that cause bad breath and plaque. Look for a mouthwash with fluoride in it so you can strengthen your teeth while you freshen up your breath. Be sure to read the directions carefully, as some mouthwashes should not be used immediately before you eat or drink.

Avoid Garlic and Onions
If you know you're going to be around people who might be able to smell your food on your breath, avoid eating foods like garlic and onions. These two culprits are notorious for leaving their stench on your breath long after you've eaten them. If you simply can't avoid eating them, make sure to chew some minty gum or eat some parsley afterward.

Skip the Alcohol
Drinking lots of alcohol can also cause bad breath! The sugars in many alcoholic beverages are notorious for causing bad breath. This is because the bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars and produce a stinky by-product called sulfur. Alcohol also dehydrates you, which means that less saliva (your natural mouthwash) will be produced. The lack of saliva will make your mouth dry and could result in bad breath as well. If you're going to drink, make sure to drink plenty of water as well!

Suck on A Lemon or Chew on Some Parsley
If you're looking for an instant fix for bad breath, try sucking on a lemon or chewing on some parsley. These two ingredients are natural breath fresheners and will help to get rid of any bad breath you have just in time for a laugh or smile!

Brush Your Teeth Again
If you've been partying all night and the thought of brushing your teeth isn't very appealing, don't worry! You can make an easy DIY mouthwash using ½ teaspoon each of salt and baking soda mixed with 8 ounces of water. Just swish it around in your mouth for a minute or two and spit it out. Not only will this help to get rid of any bad breath, but it will also help to remove any plaque or bacteria that might be lingering on your teeth.

See Your Dentist
If you're having trouble with chronic bad breath, it might be time to visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. Bad breath can be a sign of other dental problems such as gum disease or tooth decay. Specialists at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa will be able to help diagnose the cause of your bad breath and recommend a treatment plan.

Bad breath can be embarrassing, but it's also a sign that something might be wrong in your mouth. To keep your breath fresh this New Year's Eve, make sure to drink lots of water and avoid foods like garlic and onions. If you have constant bad breath, schedule an appointment with us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. Contact us now!

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