As the seasons change, cold fingers and toes are usually the main concerns when it comes to personal health. Your oral health isn't always the focus, but it should be. In fact, both the cold and warm seasons impact your oral health in several ways. Understanding why seasonal impacts are so important allows you to keep up with self-care year-round.
1. Sensitivity and Cold Weather
Tooth sensitivity is a clinical concern that's shared by thousands of individuals. As you venture outside, the teeth and gums are instantly exposed to cold temperatures during the fall and winter. If you typically breathe through your mouth, you might feel a pinching or pain across one or more teeth. Sensitivity is brought on by tiny fissures across the teeth. They can also arise through gum recession. In general, the cold temperatures cause the teeth and gums to contract, which leads to noticeable pain. Keeping your mouth closed, breathing through your nose and wearing face coverings are simple ways to minimize tooth sensitivity.
2. Dry-Mouth Concerns
Cold air translates into dry conditions. The humidity remains low throughout the fall and winter. As you breathe throughout the day, you might notice dry mouth. This condition occurs when you breathe through your mouth a lot or take certain prescription drugs. Dry mouth isn't just an unusual sensation in the oral cavity either. It actually damages the teeth and gums over time. The saliva naturally moves bacteria and other microbes away from the teeth and gums. It protects these tissues. When you suffer from dry mouth, however, the microbes have a chance at degrading the teeth and gums. Breathing through the nose, chewing gum and other habits can improve the body's ability to produce saliva.
3. Seasonal Affective Disorder
An indirect impact to your oral health during the colder months is lack of self-care. As temperatures dip down, the available sunlight each day is also limited. You might suffer from depression or seasonal affective disorder because of the lack of sunlight. As a result, feeling down causes you to skip brushing and flossing. Your self-care may not happen at all throughout a given week. Your oral health declines as a result. Dealing with the mental despair is the best way to solve this seasonal impact on your oral health. By feeling better about each day, you'll feel motivated to brush your teeth and keep up with appointments at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa.
4. Hot-Beverage Factor
During the fall and winter, you try to stay warm with several strategies. Warm clothing and hot beverages become the norm. However, hot cocoa, tea and coffee can create pain within your mouth. Any minor issues, such as microscopic cracks, reveal themselves as you drink hot beverages. The nerves react with almost immediate pain, which seems to consume the entire oral cavity. Try to cool your drinks before sipping on them to avoid this seasonal impact on your oral health.
5. Allergy Issues as Warm Weather Returns
Seasonal impacts continue into spring as plants and animals become more active. There are more allergens in the air, including pollen, grass and man-made particles. If you're allergic to these airborne particles, sinus inflammation may be the result. They press against your tooth roots, which leads to pain. Be sure to verify if you have a toothache or sinus issue before the pain worsens.
6. Know When to Visit the Dentist
If you've noticed any issues with your teeth or gums, don't hesitate to visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. A common impact to your oral health is severe weather. Snow, big storms and frigid conditions might make you think twice about venturing to the dentist. However, postponing any appointment can lead to more oral problems. Ideally, make an appointment as soon as you notice pain or discomfort. Keep the appointment because it might be a minor issue at play. Replacing a crown, discovering a cavity or mending a tooth crack are all good reasons to visit the dentist. Don't let the season dictate your behaviour. The professionals can work in both hot and cold conditions to keep their patients in good shape.
Ignoring any pain or discomfort won't solve the issues. Visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre to make sure you are staying on top of your oral health. The seasons may continue to change, but that doesn’t mean that your oral hygiene should. Contact us today to book an appointment and maintain good oral health this season.