Good oral health goes beyond regular checkups, dental cleanings, and at home dental care. What you consume strongly affects your oral health as well as your overall health. If you are not getting the necessary vitamins and minerals, your oral health can experience some major consequences. Keep on reading to learn about some key nutrients your body needs to maintain strong oral health.
Calcium is known for maintaining and supporting strong bones. This nutrient keeps your jawbone strong and assists in hardening your enamel. Calcium can be found in many dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, as well as leafy green vegetables and fish.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps strengthen the soft tissue in your mouth and promotes good gum health. In addition, this vitamin can help prevent the early stages of gingivitis. Foods that contain vitamin C include citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruit, leafy greens such as spinach, potatoes, and broccoli.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is best known to be received from sunlight. This vitamin aids your body in boosting bone mineral density as well as absorbing calcium. Aside from the sun, vitamin D can be found in foods such as fatty fish, egg yolk, and fortified orange juice.
Phosphorus also functions with calcium to help keep strong teeth, gums, and jaw. Phosphorus can be found in seafood such as shrimp, salmon, and tuna, as well as lentils, cheese, and nuts.
Consequences of Not Consuming Enough Nutrients
Your oral health and overall health will suffer if your body does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. Lacking calcium will cause your teeth to weaken and may put them at risk of tooth decay and osteoporosis. Vitamin C deficiency may lead to loss of teeth as well as ulcers within the mouth such as on the tongue, gums, and lips. Shortage of Vitamin D can lead to cavities and weak teeth which can result in the teeth easily chipping and cracking. A lack of phosphorus can also lead to teeth easily chipping and breaking. Thus, it is important to be consuming enough vitamins and minerals in order to have strong teeth and overall strong oral health.
How Do I Know If I Am Nutrient Deficient?
It is likely that your body will show symptoms of nutrient deficiencies before your teeth, gums, or jaw do. Below are some common symptoms of nutrient deficiencies:
Calcium Deficient
Common symptoms of calcium deficiency include:
• Numbness in the hands, arms, legs, and face
• Weak and brittle nails
• Muscle cramps
• Muscle spasms
• Memory loss
Vitamin C Deficient
Common symptoms of vitamin C deficiency includes:
• Dry, rough, or bumpy skin
• Easily bruise
• Swelling or pain in the joins
• Weakness
• Slow wound healing
Vitamin D Deficient
Common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency includes:
• Fatigue
• Mood changes
• Muscle aches and pain
• Hair Loss
Phosphorus Deficient
Common symptoms of phosphorus deficiency include:
• Bone pain
• Fatigue
• Loss of appetite
• Anxiety
If you are experiencing any symptoms of nutrient deficiency, please visit your doctor immediately to discuss testing and treatment options. It is important that you deal with any nutrient deficiencies as soon as possible to avoid any long-term consequences to your oral health and overall health. If you are unable to get enough nutrients through the food you consume, you may need to consider taking vitamin supplements. There are many vitamin supplements you can find at your local drugstore and they may be found in the forms of a pill, powder, liquid, or dissolving strip. However, it is best to visit your doctor to discuss any vitamins or minerals your body is lacking in and ones you need to add to your diet. If you are experiencing oral health issues due to vitamin or mineral deficiencies, visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre, located in South Ottawa, for a dental checkup. In addition, we recommend that you visit your doctor to discuss any vitamin or mineral deficiencies or consequences you may have. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for any of your oral health needs. Remember, good oral health includes proper dental hygiene, consistent dental checkups and cleanings, and a balanced diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals.