There are so many things to consider when purchasing the right toothpaste for your needs. Each toothpaste brand will have its unique selling points. Brands will make various assertions on what their toothpaste will do for cavity protection, sensitivity, plaque, tartar, gingivitis, breath-freshening and whitening.
What Kinds of Toothpaste are Available?
Some toothpaste are specially formulated for sensitive teeth. These may be bought over the counter or by prescription from your dentist—toothpaste for general cleaning, extra fluoride, whitening, tartar control, and some combination of these. Children ages three to six years old should use a pea-size portion of regular toothpaste for brushing or use the brands made for children. Consumers should try to examine what each brand offers and which will be the best choice for them.
How Do You Choose The Best Toothpaste For You?
Everyone has a set of essentials when it comes to toothpaste; these are generally:
• How effectively it will get your teeth cleaned
• The feel in your mouth after brushing
• How much it costs
Personal dental requirement and preference will guide shoppers in making their decisions. Shoppers must choose the right toothpaste for their use as everyone has their own specific need. Carefully checking the packaging will ensure that consumers know the toothpaste says it will do what they need.
How Well It Will Clean Your Teeth
For best oral protection, a toothpaste with a minimum of 1000 parts per million (ppm) fluoride will be desirable. However, you will find toothpaste with 1350 – 1550 ppm; these are most effective. Fluoride is just one ingredient to look for when deciding how well a toothpaste will clean your teeth. Tartar control, whitening and sensitive teeth, and the CDA (Canadian Dental Association) seal of validity are other important things to observe. Caring for veneers will require a particular type of gel toothpaste and knowing how to care for dentures, which requires no toothpaste.
The Feel in Your Mouth After Brushing
How your mouth feels during and after brushing may be a fundamental reason why some consumers continue buying a particular brand of toothpaste. The fresh taste and long-lasting effect are critical to a good toothpaste brand. The flavour and aftertaste of toothpaste are not an indication of how well its cleaning power is working. However, many persons will look for a particular toothpaste flavour when shopping. In addition, toothpaste that includes a mouthwash is very popular for the longer-lasting freshness that they provide.
Some individuals appreciate the fresh taste in the morning after brushing with particular brands of toothpaste overnight. While other brands have a great minty flavour, and some have an anti-bacterial property that will further boost clean-smelling breath. Sensitive toothpaste contains active ingredients that block pain sensors that cause a reaction to cold, heat and sugar receptors. Because of how sensitive toothpaste works in numbing the nerves in the mouth from these receptors, the after taste may differ from other toothpaste types. However, sensitive toothpaste will provide relief with continued use over time.
Price is a Factor
The cost to procure oral hygiene products and procedures is a deciding factor for many consumers worldwide. Insurance coverage will usually encourage the suggested bi-annual visits to the dentist. However, studies conducted in Canada have shown growth in purchasing oral hygiene products, such as the various types of toothpaste, over the last eight (8) years. In addition, along with other studies conducted by the CDA, it showed that most Canadians were at least 70% compliant with oral health recommendation. The research shows that consumers will spend on the toothpaste of their specific needs as more options become available on the market.
We may conclude that choosing the best toothpaste for themselves depends on their personal oral need and preference. Oral health connects to other health situations with the body, and as such, more persons have turned an eye on how they take care of their teeth. Continue with your oral health best practices at home, while also scheduling your routine dental visits at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. Contact us today to book an appointment.