Everyone experiences a tooth extraction sooner or later in their lifetime. Whether it is a baby tooth during childhood or wisdom teeth near adulthood, it is a very common dental procedure that many individuals undergo.
Why are Extractions Necessary? If a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, then it may need to be extracted. You may also need to get a tooth extracted if you suffer from gum disease. Furthermore, people who have extra teeth will need to have them extracted.
Most people will need to get their wisdom teeth extracted at some point. The wisdom teeth typically grow in between the ages of 17 and 25. If they are impacted or infected, then they will need to be extracted. Additionally, the wisdom teeth will need to be removed if there is not enough room for them to grow.
Types of Extractions There are simple extractions and surgical extractions. A dentist performs a simple extraction by using an instrument to loosen the tooth. After that, the dentist will use an instrument to pull the tooth.
The dentist will have to make an incision in order to perform a surgical extraction. The dentist may have to break the tooth in half or remove the bone around the tooth in order to extract it.
What Can Happen if you Don't Get an Extraction But Need One? If you have gum disease, then the bone will be destroyed. This will cause the tooth to loosen. The body will attempt to extract the tooth itself. If your tooth is infected, then this infection can spread to other parts of the body. This may cause serious health issues.
Benefits of Tooth Extractions
Tooth extraction is a relatively simple procedure that has many benefits. You will be able to protect your surrounding teeth by getting a damaged or decayed one extracted. You will also be able to improve your quality of life by getting a bad tooth extracted. You will have an easier time speaking and eating. Furthermore, you can improve your overall oral health by getting a bad tooth extracted.
If you know you need a tooth to be extracted do not wait on it because that can cause more issues in the future. The Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in South Ottawa can make the extraction process a comfortable one for you. Contact us today to book an appointment and get those unnecessary teeth out.