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Dental Tips for Toddlers

As infants and toddlers grow their baby teeth, it's important for parents to start thinking about their oral health. Children should understand the importance of proper oral health at a young age to ensure they can learn healthy habits that they can practice throughout their life. As a parent, there are a few dental tips for toddlers to practice to ensure they have a beautiful, healthy smile as they get older.

Schedule Routine Dental Visits
Scheduling routine dental visits at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa is necessary to ensure a dental professional can perform a thorough cleaning and inspect the teeth for any tooth decay signs. With toddlers, it's best to schedule an appointment in the morning when they tend to be more rested and at ease compared to in the afternoon. Inform your child of what they can expect during the visit to ensure they're prepared and don't feel nervous during the appointment. The dental professional will provide tips for daily care and inspect for oral injuries or other issues. They may also talk to you about your toddler's habits that can affect their oral health, which may include sucking their thumb or using a pacifier. This is the time when you can also discuss teething, losing teeth, teeth grinding, and any other concerns.

Set the Example
You'll need to set aside time to teach your child how to brush properly to ensure they learn the motions for removing plaque and bacteria in their mouth. Consider brushing your teeth together to ensure they can model your actions and learn how to perform the task twice each day. Use a pea-size amount of toothpaste on your teeth and show them how to spit to remove all the paste once they're done brushing. It's also important to provide them with a toothbrush that is appropriate for their age. Most toothbrushes for kids are too large for their mouth, which can make it difficult to reach the back molars. Some electric toothbrushes can also work more effectively. Opt for a toothbrush that is made for infants for more accuracy.

Make it Fun
Make brushing and flossing fun for your little one by playing music as they spend time on their oral health. You can also get them excited about brushing by allowing them to pick out their toothbrush or the type of toothpaste they want to use each day. Using a timer can also help them determine when they're done brushing.

Consider Sealants
Sealants are a great option when it comes to protecting your child's teeth from tooth decay as they're learning how to brush properly. Sealants act as a barrier to sugar and germs to reduce the risk of cavities, which can help your child avoid fillings at a young age. Visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa to have the sealants applied. The sealants last an average of 10 years with proper oral care.

Don't Share Germs
Although small children are prone to sticking many items in their mouths throughout the day, it's important to limit what they chew on to prevent germs from accumulating. Avoid sharing sippy cups, pacifiers, and utensils to protect their mouth from developing too much bacteria. Sanitizing different items in the home that your child is prone to picking up will also limit their contact with germs.

Avoid Sugary Foods
From fruit snacks to fruit juice, it's easy for toddlers to be at a higher risk of tooth decay because of the sugar they consume in their diet. Limit the sugary foods that they eat to reduce the risk of cavities for a foundation to healthy teeth early on in life. If they eat sugar or a sweet treat, immediately brush their teeth or use mouth wash to prevent the bacteria from sitting on their teeth for too long. It's also important to give them a bottle before bed instead of when they fall asleep to prevent the milk from sitting on their teeth for too long.

Following these dental tips for your toddler(s) can allow you to become educated and informed when it comes to caring for your child's baby teeth. You can help them understand the importance of healthy teeth and prepare them for their adult teeth to ensure they feel confident with their smile. Bring your little one in for a dental check up at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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