Though occasionally taken for granted, oral health plays a crucial role in one's personal aesthetics and in important systemic processes like digestion. Poor dental well-being could leave an individual susceptible to a host of untoward, possibly serious illnesses. At the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre located in Ottawa we caution patients to look out for potential signs of oral disease. One such manifestation is bleeding gums.
Bleeding Gums Overview
As the description might indicate, bleeding gums occur when one's gums bleed. This occurrence is often brought on by activities like brushing and flossing. However, severer cases might precipitate bleeding incidents during or following food consumption. In certain instances, the problem might occur without provocation. The Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa stresses that bleeding gums do not always result from significant underlying problems. However, said occurrence should be evaluated and treated promptly.
Additional Symptoms
Bleeding gums might also be accompanied by other alarming physical manifestations, such as swollen, puffy gums, tooth pain, and insensitivity to hot and cold.
An appreciable percentage of bleeding gums cases can be managed using basic remedies. However, consistent or worsening bleeding is a cause for concern and could indicate the presence of a discernible problem.
Common Causes of Bleeding Gums
Bleeding gums are often precipitated by various physical, environmental, and biological causes including:
Aggressive Brushing Habits
Sometimes, merely brushing with excessive force or utilizing improper techniques could lead to bleeding gums. Gums are sensitive structures that cannot withstand excessive pressure.
Dental Hygiene Practice Alterations
Occasionally, alterations to one's dental maintenance practices could induce bleeding. For example, persons who suddenly begin flossing on a regular basis might experience such episodes because the gums require a period of time to adjust to said efforts.
Expecting subjects often experience many bodily changes. One such alteration includes the production and release of hormones capable of increasing bacterial growth inside the oral cavity. This condition, which is referred to as pregnancy gingivitis, results in increased gum inflammation and subsequent bleeding episodes.
Gum Diseases
Gum diseases like the common form of gingivitis and the more serious periodontitis could lead to significant inflammation and noticeable bleeding. These maladies result from the accumulation of detrimental particles like plaque and tartar, which collect around or under the gums.
Certain therapeutic drugs carry the ability to produce bleeding gums. This is especially true of blood-thinning agents, which interfere with the blood's capacity to clot normally.
Ill-Fitting Dental Appliances
Poorly fitted dentures, braces, and other types of dental work place pressure on the gums. Over time, said events could result in inflammation and subsequent bleeding incidents.
Lifestyle Habits
Certain potentially detrimental lifestyle habits could increase one's chances of developing bleeding gums. Vices, like cigarette, pipe, and cigar smoking, chewing tobacco, and excessive alcohol consumption irritates the gums and might eventually result in bleeding.
Vitamin Deficiencies
Though less common, vitamin deficiencies could precipitate bloody gums. Specifically, those consuming diets lacking nutrients like Vitamins C and K stand at an increased risk of experiencing the untoward dental malady.
Medical Conditions
Certain medical issues could lead to bleeding gums. Such conditions include serious blood disorders like leukemia and hemophilia.
Ways To Stop Bleeding Gums
Naturally, the treatment employed to stop bleeding gums will depend upon the underlying causes. That said, the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa wishes to inform current and future patients that minor incidents might be curtailed through efforts, such as mouth rinsing using warm water and salt, applying gauze, utilizing new toothbrushes every few months, and placing ice on the offending gum region. More significant cases might necessitate addressing the underlying condition or speaking to your doctor about changing medications.
Preventing Bleeding Gums
Though preventing every minor occurrence might prove difficult, our patients may reduce their chances by adhering to suggestions, including the practice of gentler or more appropriate brushing or flossing techniques, eliminating vices, like smoking of any kind, chewing tobacco, and drinking excessively. Additionally, bloody gums might be halted by consuming a healthy diet, remaining properly hydrated, practicing good dental hygiene, and, above all, obtaining routine dental care highlighted by thorough checkups and professional grade cleanings.
Contacting Us
Those looking for optimal dental care in Ottawa are encouraged to contact us. If you are dealing with bleeding gums, visit us at the Upper Hunt Dental Centre in Ottawa for a dental exam. Contact us today!