Black gums can be a worrying sign of an oral health problem. There are multiple causes of black gums, and it is important to understand these so you can know what treatment option is the best for you. This article will explain the various causes of black gums and provide treatment options.
What are Black Gums?
Black gums are commonly used to refer to a problem with the appearance of one's gums. When the gums become discolored, it is called black gums. Black gums are a sign that something may be wrong with your oral health, so it is important to find out what is causing your black gums by visiting the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa.
What Causes Black Gums?
The reasons for black gums can vary drastically depending on the cause, but some of the most common reasons include any of the following:
1. Poor oral hygiene
Poor oral hygiene can cause black gums, and it happens because of plaque build-up that cannot be removed by brushing. When plaque is left on your teeth long enough, it will turn into tartar, which is more difficult to remove. Plaque and tartar are harmful to your teeth and gums, so poor oral hygiene should be avoided.
2. Melanin
Melanin is a pigment in skin, hair, and eyes. It is present in our bodies because skin cells naturally produce it when we are born. When melanin is formed, it will differ between people based on their ethnicity. When the amount of melanin in your body becomes too high, black gums can occur.
3. Smoking
Smoking can have a drastic effect on the health of your gums. When you smoke, you are damaging your body as a whole, which can also cause problems with your gums. When you smoke, the blood in your body will be sticky and more prone to clots, which can lead to thrombosis in the blood vessels of your gums. This is dangerous because if your blood vessels become blocked in your gums, they could become infected and need to be removed.
4. Medication
Some types of medication can harm your oral health. For example, high blood pressure medication can cause oral health problems because it raises blood pressure levels. High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of black gums.
5. Family history
If your parents or grandparents have black gums, you may also be more likely to have black gums. This is because family history plays a big role in your oral health, and if any of your close relatives had an issue with their gums that caused them to turn black, you might be predisposed to developing black gums as well.
What are the Treatment Options for Black Gums?
There are a few different treatment options for black gums, including:
1. Dental professional
If the cause of your black gums is poor oral hygiene or if you have a family history of this, then you should visit your dentist in Ottawa immediately to check your gums and ensure there is nothing caught between your teeth that could be causing the discoloration. Suppose your dentist has told you that nothing can be done to remove the cause of your black gums. In that case, they may refer you to a periodontist who specializes in eliminating diseases such as cancerous tumors or gum disease.
2. Home remedies
If your dentist has told you nothing can be done to treat your black gums, you may try home remedies to see what works best. There are a few different options that people have tried to whiten their gums, for example, using hydrogen peroxide on your gums and teeth. Toothpaste with abrasive particles (5-10 % abrasive) can also help if the cause of your black gums is excess plaque build-up. Using pumice stones in the shower or bath water can help remove plaque build-up on your tooth enamel.
3. Laser therapy
There are multiple types of laser therapies that you could be recommended if your black gums cannot be removed with other means. Laser therapy is a fast and painless way to remove excess melanin, which can cause your gums to turn black. The more melanin you have in your body, the more likely it is that lasers will help you whiten your gums.
If home remedies or lasers cannot treat your black gums, you may need to have a dentist deal with the problem. There are different types of surgery for black gums, depending on the cause. For example, if your black gums are caused by gum disease, you will likely need to have gum surgery. If the roots of your teeth are stained from smoking, then this may also require having root canal treatment or primary tooth extractions performed by a dentist. The best way to determine a treatment plan is by visiting us at the Upper Hunt Dental Centre in Ottawa to have a dentist inspect your oral health and provide a treatment plan. If you believe you may be dealing with black gums, contact us today to schedule a dental visit.