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Bad Oral Habits to Avoid

Bad oral habits do not always mean you ignore your mouth; it just means that some things you do are not good for your oral health. It was easy to start them up, but now it’s time to get rid of them. Some effects of your bad habits show in the short term. Others show after a prolonged period. Below are some practices you can change to preserve your oral health.

1. Smoking
The act of smoking is not just bad for your lungs. It is dreadful for your mouth as well. If you continue to smoke, you can add unnecessary oral health problems to your plate.

How Does Smoking Harm Your Dental Health?
Smoking causes you to lose bone mineral density in your jaw. Losing your bone density loosens your teeth and destroys your entire jawline. You can even get oral cancer from your smoking habit. Some of the short-term effects of smoking on your mouth are lousy breath and soiled teeth. In the long-term, you risk cancer.

How Can You Fix It?
Breaking the habit of smoking is different for every smoker. Some individuals can break the pattern quickly, while others need to go through a period of rehabilitation. If you want to find out which end of the spectrum you fall, it is best to speak with your doctor or dentist at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa.

2. Teeth Grinding or Clenching
Teeth grinding is most times an unconscious habit. Usually, you grind or clench your teeth while sleeping or sometimes while going through periods of high stress. While it seems you cannot control this bad oral habit, that is misguided information as there are actions you can take to gain control.

How Does Grinding And Clenching Your Teeth Harm Your Dental Health?
Grinding or clenching your teeth means you are straining your mouth muscles, resulting in muscle tenderness and even pain in the joints. Additionally, your teeth are more susceptible to chipping and cracking when this happens.

How Can You Fix It?
Your dentist in Ottawa will tell you that the short-term solution is wearing a mouthguard. The mouth guard keeps your teeth from touching while you sleep. The result is reduced damage to your teeth, less pain in your jawline, and improvement in your sleep. For the long-term, you can try practising exercises that help you to relax. When you are aware that you grind, it becomes easier for you to take steps to correct this problem.

3. Onychophagy
Onychophagy is the scientific term given to describe the well-known habit of nail-biting. It is a nervous habit that affects your oral health in the worse ways imaginable. The attitude of nail-biting stems from either boredom, anxiety or even perfectionism.

How Does Biting Your Nails Affect Your Dental Health?
When you bite your nails, your teeth can get chipped, cracked, or eroded. Additionally, when biting your teeth, you put your mouth at risk of harmful bacteria that can lead to infection.

How Can You Fix It?
In the short term, trim your nails. Trimming the nails help to control your nail-biting habit. In addition, you can also paint them or get a manicure. For long-term solutions, you can observe yourself. Identify what triggers your nail-biting habit and swap those triggers for healthier ones. Trading your unhealthy triggers for more productive ones help you eliminate the need for emergency dental care.

4. Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard
The habit of brushing your teeth and doing it well is expected for good oral health. However, if you clean them too hard, you are doing more damage than good. It is not true that you need a firm toothbrush- that myth results in hurt gums.

How Does Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard Affect Your Dental Health?
Your dentist in Ottawa can tell you that as you grow older, the sensitive parts of your teeth are exposed, and if you brush them too hard, you can irritate your gums. In addition, you can cause your gum to recede; a receding gum line is a recipe for loose teeth.

How Can You Fix It?
This one is a simple fix for both the short and long term. You should use soft-bristled toothbrushes, and you should brush at least twice daily.

Bad oral habits can lead to emergency dental care. Reduce the risk of dental problems by eliminating bad oral habits. If you are in need of dental care or advice for eliminating poor oral habits, visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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