Regularly visiting the dentist is stressful and daunting for millions of individuals each year, especially those who have preexisting anxiety disorders. When you are in search of a dental centre in Ottawa, there are a few ways to prepare ahead of time to ease any anxiety or stress commonly associated with upcoming dental appointments. With the right preparation, feel comfortable with and confident in moving forward with your current dental appointment.
Create a List of Questions
If you are nervous or anxious about an upcoming visit to a new dentist, create a list of questions to ask and have answered to ease your fears and worries. Writing a list of questions that you have for your dentist is a way to learn more about their practice while gaining valuable insight about your teeth and oral health once your appointment arrives.
Share Your Concerns and Fears With Your Dentist
If you have any concerns or if you are feeling nervous about an upcoming appointment at your dentist, be sure to share your thoughts with your dentist and your dental office's staff. Sharing your concerns and fears with your dentist is a way to feel relief before a procedure or treatment begins. Dentists are well-versed in helping patients who are stressed and anxious, and work to provide comfort to those who are in need whenever scheduling and attending dental appointments.
Research Treatment and Insurance Options
Before choosing a new dentist it is important to research the types of treatments and procedures each dental centre provides before making a decision. Not all dental centres are capable of providing every oral procedure currently available on the market. It is also advisable to research the types of dental insurance are currently accepted at the dental centre of your choice. If you do not have dental insurance to your name at the time of scheduling your appointment, inquire about the cost out-of-pocket for the procedures and treatments you need. Learn more about payment options and whether or not it is possible to create a payment plan for the cleaning or type of dental work you are interested in for yourself. Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa offers two dental finance services, learn more about them on our finance page.
Sedation Vs. No Sedation
Choosing a dentist that offers sedation is one way to alleviate some of the anxiety commonly associated with dental work. However, it is important to note that not all dentists provide full sedation for patients, regardless of age and fears. Before scheduling an appointment with a new dentist it is important to inquire about the option of sedation and alternatives that are offered if full sedation is not currently available. It is also important to note that there are several sedation options available. The Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in South Ottawa offers oral conscious sedation, intravenous sedation, and nitrous oxide. During your dental appointment your dentist will recommend the best option for you.
Share Your Medical History
Share your medical history with your new dentist, especially if you are currently taking any prescriptions or medications that may interfere with a procedure or treatment you need to have done. Some medications such as blood thinners have the ability to interfere with dental work, especially if you require surgery or the removal of a tooth. Sharing your medical history and current list of medications with your new dentist is a way to ensure any treatments or procedures you require are done safely and with the proper precautions in place.
Ask About Improving Dental Health at Home
Ask your dentist about improving your dental health at home (along with products they recommend). Inquire about proper brushing techniques as well as how to improve the overall oral health of yourself individually depending on your mouth's current condition upon arrival. Learn more about the best mouthwash solutions available on the market and why your dentist recommends a specific brand or solution. Gain valuable insight about your current dental health and which steps to take to drastically improve it.
Understanding how to properly prepare for an upcoming visit to a dental centre in Ottawa is a way to alleviate your fears and any stress related to the event. With the ability to prepare for an upcoming dental visit, face any fears you have while covering all of the necessities when visiting a new dentist for the first time. If you are in need of a dental centre in Ottawa, consider visiting the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in South Ottawa for more information regarding the current treatments and services that are available today. Contact us today to book an appointment.