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10+ Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Health During Spring Break

As the spring break approaches, it is important to maintain good oral health practices to prevent dental issues and maintain a healthy smile. Here are some tips that can help you take care of your teeth during your break:

Chew sugar-free gum
Chewing gum can stimulate saliva production in the mouth, which helps to wash away leftover food, sugar, and plaque on and between the teeth. If you are traveling, chewing sugar-free gum can also help relieve discomfort caused by changes in air pressure in the plane. This helps you enjoy the benefits of gum without the risk of introducing sugar to your teeth and causing bacterial growth.

Carry healthy snacks
While it may be tempting to snack on sugary treats during your break, they can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Consider replacing them with healthy snacks like carrots, apples, celery, and pears. These foods are not only delicious and nutritious but their crunch can also help clean your teeth, tongue, and gums.

Replace sugary drinks with water
Sugary drinks are enjoyable to have, but they promote bacteria growth that can cause cavities and tooth decay. Therefore, consider replacing them with water to keep you hydrated and help remove food particles on your teeth.

Maintain your dental routine
Traveling and being in new environments could make it easier to forget your flossing and brushing routine. Therefore, always ensure you have a travel-size toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss in your travel bag whenever you are away from home. You should also have a reminder to brush and floss to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco
Alcohol and tobacco can stain your teeth and promote plaque buildup that leads to gum disease and oral cancer. Therefore, it is best to avoid them altogether.

Spring Break Dental Safety Tips
Enjoy your spring break while being mindful of your oral health. Here’s a few tips to follow to ensure your oral health is safe during your travels:

-     Be careful with sports drinks: Many sports drinks are high in sugar and can erode your tooth enamel. If you're going to be active during your spring break, consider drinking water instead.
-     Protect your teeth during water activities: If you're going to be swimming or participating in water sports, make sure to wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth from impact.Avoid chewing ice: Chewing on ice can cause tooth fractures and chips, which can be painful and costly to repair.
-     Watch out for hidden sugars: Sugar can be hidden in unexpected places, like condiments, salad dressings, and even some types of fruit. Be mindful of what you're eating and drinking, and try to choose low-sugar options whenever possible.
-     Get a dental checkup before you go: If you're due for a routine dental checkup, consider scheduling one before you leave for your spring break trip. This way, you can address any potential dental issues before they become bigger problems. Schedule one with us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre today!

Good Oral Health Practices
When you visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa, your dentist will suggest some effective oral health practices that you can adopt. Here are a few of them:

Use mouthwash
Mouthwash is crucial in killing bacteria that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing. Choose an alcohol-free mouthwash, especially if you have sensitive gums, as alcohol can cause irritation.

Brush effectively
Brushing is essential, but it is important to do it correctly. Brush in a circular motion and ensure you brush the chewing surface, back, and front of the teeth. Apply medium pressure, as too much pressure can wear down your enamel and hurt your gums.

Use fluoride toothpaste
Fluoride helps strengthen your enamel, making it more resistant to cavities and tooth decay. Drinking fluoride-rich water can also enhance your fluoride levels.

Change your toothbrush regularly
Replace your toothbrush every three to four months as a worn-out toothbrush can be less effective in cleaning your teeth. Choose a toothbrush with the right head size, bristle firmness and design, and handle grip for effective and comfortable brushing.

By following these oral health practices, you can enjoy your spring break with a healthy and beautiful smile. Enjoy your spring break adventures, and visit us at the Upper hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa for a dental check up when you return. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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