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Wisdom Teeth 101: Everything You Need to Know

Just what is the function of those teeth in the back of our mouths? Do you wonder if you will need to have your wisdom teeth removed, or how to tell if a wisdom tooth is impacted? Knowing more about your wisdom teeth will help you to care for them properly. Here are some things about these elusive teeth and how we can maintain their health, whether we keep them or not:

What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that people tend to develop in their early twenties. When these teeth are properly aligned and they break through the gums correctly, they can be an invaluable asset to the mouth. On the other hand, if these teeth are improperly aligned or impacted, they may affect the health of the rest of your mouth, and removal is required.

When do Wisdom Teeth Grow?
Wisdom teeth can begin forming as early as age 17, or they can come in as late as 30. They usually show up on x-ray film first; your dentist will assess whether they are coming in properly, or if they will need to be extracted or removed.

Why do Wisdom Teeth Grow?
Our early human ancestors most likely had larger jaws that could accommodate more teeth; it was thought that the wisdom teeth could function to grind down plant tissue more efficiently for consumption. With the evolution of softer foods that require less chewing, our need for the wisdom teeth has subsided, and our anatomy has changed in such a way that many times, extraction is the most viable option to maintain dental health.

How do I Know When my Wisdom Teeth Have Come In?
Signs for impending eruption of a wisdom tooth include:
• Tender or bleeding gums
• Red or swollen gums
• Jaw pain and swelling
• Bad breath or unpleasant taste in the mouth
• Difficulty opening the mouth
When wisdom teeth are impacted, far more serious complications can result. Some of these issues include:
• Infections
• Damage to teeth
• Periodontal disease
• Receding gums
• Loose teeth
• Bone and tooth loss

Get a professional assessment to see what condition your wisdom teeth are in, and if you are going to need surgical intervention to improve their position or remove them.

How Do I Know If They Need To Be Removed?
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, or if pain in the back of your mouth and jaw are worsening, it's essential that you see your dental professional for a thorough assessment of your oral health. Your dentist will likely want to take x-rays or images of your mouth to determine the position of your wisdom teeth. A plan will then be formulated to care for your mouth in a way that preserves your oral health. Even if you are symptom free, it is important to get an assessment and make a plan for care before your wisdom teeth become a problem.

Wisdom Tooth Removal
Depending on the position of your wisdom teeth, your dentist will employ a number of measures to remove your teeth.

1. If teeth have erupted through the gum line, your dentist will remove teeth as any other tooth in your mouth would be removed. The use of local anesthetic and other measures will be used to keep you comfortable during the procedure.

2. If teeth are impacted, below the gum line, or coming in at the wrong angle, your dentist will likely have to make an incision in your gums and extract the tooth surgically. A combination of local anesthetic and perhaps sedation will be necessary in order to facilitate the process of removal.

Following your procedure, it will be essential to follow after care instructions given to you by your dentist and rest. Avoid biting, sucking or chewing in this area of your mouth, and use medications as prescribed by your dentist and application of ice or heating pads to reduce swelling. If you experience excessive bleeding, pain that worsens over time, or you develop a fever, contact the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre immediately for an assessment of your condition.

Wisdom teeth might have been an asset to our plant-chewing ancestors, but they do little for us in today's day and age. If you think you might be developing wisdom teeth, visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa to develop a plan for care. Proactive steps will be essential to minimize pain and discomfort. At the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa, we can help you evaluate your oral health and develop a plan for your wisdom teeth. Contact us today to book an appointment or for more information on our products and services.

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