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Your Tongue - An Important Part of Mouth Care

You may believe that cleaning your teeth is sufficient to prevent oral health problems, but bacteria may be found in many mouth sections, including the tongue and gums. Your tongue is a crucial part of mouth care, read on to learn more about taking proper care.

The Tongue
The tongue is referred to as one of the most muscular and flexible organs. This muscle is wet and pink in color. The bumps all around it are called papillae, they mostly cover the taste buds. The tongue remains in place while in the mouth with the support of mucosa and a web of muscles and tissue. The front of the tongue is secured in place by frenum and hyoid bone at the rear.

Tongue Hygiene
The majority of individuals devote a significant amount of effort to maintaining their teeth and gums. However good this is, it is also essential to consider the tongue. The tongue is responsible for a variety of functions including the production of clear and eloquent speech. It also allows us to swallow food and liquids easily. Furthermore, the tongue has many taste receptors, allowing humans to discern between salty, sweet, bitter, and sour foods.

According to medical practitioners and dentists, the tongue cleans itself, but tongue cleaning can and should be part of your daily oral hygiene practice. The highest concentration of bacteria in the mouth is found at the back of the tongue. This is a fact unknown to most people. Oral health issues, including gum disease and cavities, and foul breath, may be caused by these microbes, also called halitosis. This is a widespread issue that affects 90% of individuals at some point in their lives.

Tips for Tongue Hygiene
Tongue hygiene is the process of removing undesirable particles and microorganisms from the muscular surfaces of the tongue organ. This helps to keep the breath fresh and removes impediments to the tongue's optimal performance.

Check out the four guidelines below if you're unsure how to care for your tongue correctly.

1. Regular Salt Baths
Do you ever feel like your tongue is coated in a thick material that won't go away even after brushing? Use warm, salty water to rinse your mouth. Of course, you shouldn't drink it. Instead, use your tongue to swish and swirl it. The salt will assist in killing microorganisms and restore your mouth's usual sensation and taste.

2. Include Green Tea in Your Usual Beverages
Include a glass of unsweetened green tea in your regular diet, whether hot or cold. Green tea contains antioxidants and destroys germs in the mouth.

3. Brush Your Tongue
Brush the top rough section of your tongue using a brush with soft bristles every morning and evening. To avoid hurting your tongue, apply minimal pressure while brushing. On the backside of the head of certain toothbrushes is a tongue brush. You may also purchase a tongue scraper to have the same cleaning effect.

4. Drink Water
The whole system, including your tongue, benefits from water. Furthermore, the more water you consume, the fewer food particles accumulate on your tongue.

Common Tongue Conditions

1. Oral Cancer
On the tongue, a growth or ulcer forms and continues to expand rapidly. Smokers and heavy drinkers are more likely to get oral cancer.

2. Candidiasis
Develops on the mouth's and tongue's surface. Thrush may affect anybody, although it is more common in people who are on steroids or have a reduced immune system and the extremely young and old.

3. Macroglossia
An enlarged tongue may be caused by various things, including thyroid illness, lymphangiomas, and congenital anomalies. Depending on the reason, this may be divided into many categories, including congenital, inflammatory, traumatic, malignant, and metabolic.

4. Canker Sores
Canker sores are a recurrent ailment with no known origin; they are unrelated to herpes virus-induced cold sores. It is not infectious to have canker sores.

Fun Facts About the Tongue
1. It is the most flexible muscle in the body and comprises of eight muscles.
2. The small bumps are not taste buds; they house the taste buds instead.
3. Taste buds are all over the tongue, in thousands.
4. An average tongue is four inches long.
5. The tongue is pink when healthy and unhealthy if the color changes.

Washing your tongue may effectively deter gingivitis and dental caries while making your mouth feel and smell fresh. You may use a regular toothbrush to clean your tongue, although a tongue cleaner is recommended. According to studies, tongue cleaners are seven times more efficient than brushing alone in decreasing germs linked with foul breath.

Ready to improve your oral health? Visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre for an oral health check-up. To schedule an appointment, contact us today!

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