Vitamin D deficiency can lead to many oral health issues such as tooth loss, gum disease, and cavities. This article will discuss how you can prevent these dental problems by taking care of your teeth properly with the help of the professionals at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa.
How Being Vitamin D Deficient Affects Your Dental Health
Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for your overall health. It's not just great for strong bones and teeth but also helps with other bodily functions, including the cardiovascular system, muscles, neurological function, immune system strength, along with many more benefits. With insufficient intakes of vitamin D over time, you are at risk of developing long-term dental problems such as cavities or gum disease.
With brief periods of lacking vitamin D, you are susceptible to experiencing temporary dental problems, which include tooth loss and pain; if it's left untreated, it can become a bigger issue that may result in further dental issues down the road. The good news is that this is entirely preventable! By ensuring you are getting enough amounts of Vitamin D on a daily basis, you can help prevent these dental problems and live a healthy, happy life.
Long-Term Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency
Being vitamin D deficient for a long period of time increases your risk of developing cavities. The progressive loss of dental enamel can lead to tooth sensitivity along with more serious issues like the development of gum disease and experiencing symptoms of gums becoming swollen, tender, and bleeding easily.
Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss over time, which means you are at risk of losing your teeth if left untreated. You may start noticing some problems like bad breath or changes in how your teeth feel when they touch each other, this is due to bone loss. Long-term vitamin D deficiency effects will come as a result of not getting enough vitamin D daily. This could be because you are not receiving enough sunshine exposure or have low dietary intakes. If this is an ongoing issue for you, it can lead to serious dental health problems.
Short-Term Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency
You will notice that if you are experiencing any sort of pain in your mouth which may be an issue related to the current state of your dental health, so make sure you speak with a dentist about what they recommend. Pain in the mouth area may not seem like something to be overly concerned with but can lead to further complications down the road, so it's always best to seek professional help when needed.
Importance of Making Sure Your Body Gets Proper Vitamins and Nutrients
To make sure you can avoid these serious dental problems, it is crucial that you identify whether or not you have been experiencing any of the symptoms above. One of the importance of ensuring your body gets proper vitamins and nutrients is to make sure you can avoid getting sick. This seems pretty straightforward, but often people neglect their overall health, including making sure they get enough of the essential nutrients.
Another importance of ensuring your body gets proper vitamins and nutrients are dental issues can be easily prevented by making sure you are not suffering from dental problems such as tooth loss, gum disease, and cavities. It is important to visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa for preventative dental care and regular checkups to ensure good oral health.
Where to Get Vitamin D From
You can get vitamin D from a variety of options such as supplements, fortified foods, and spending time in the sunshine. There are certain foods that we eat on a daily basis that contain higher amounts of Vitamin D, including salmon, egg yolks, and mushrooms, just to name a few. In addition, taking Omega 3 fatty acids such as those found in Cod liver oil supplements along with whole milk (if lactose intolerant, try soy milk) together will give you an adequate amount needed daily to keep your teeth strong without developing cavities. However, it is best to speak with a medical professional about what diet changes you may need to make to ensure your body gets the proper amount of vitamin D it needs every day.
Vitamin D is important for both your dental health and your overall health. If you are not receiving the proper amount of vitamin D daily, this could be leading to major dental issues later in life. Visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa for a dental checkup to ensure your oral health is getting the proper vitamins, nutrients, and care. Contact us today.

Vitamin D Deficiency: Understanding the Impacts on Your Oral Health
November 12, 2021
04:30 pm