Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that hold the teeth in place. It is a group of illnesses that affects the gums and other dental support structures. It is mainly caused by poor oral hygiene practices such as poor brushing of teeth and failure to floss, allowing plaque to accumulate on the teeth. When plaque hardens, it forms tartar, a hard deposit that causes tooth decay, usually difficult to remove by ordinary brushing. Removal of tartar is best left to dental professionals at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. Other factors that put patients at risk of periodontal disease are poor nutrition, high-stress levels, smoking, defective fillings on teeth, and genetic factors.
Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease
Periodontal diseases are prevalent in both developed and developing countries and pose significant health issues to the populace. In Canada, gum disease is the most common dental problem. Seven out of ten people in Canada develop gum problems at some point. However, the availability of quality dental services has kept the issues in control. Periodontal diseases are categorized as gingivitis when they are limited to the gums only and periodontitis if they spread to deeper tissues. Common symptoms of periodontal diseases include:
• Bad breath
• Red swollen gums
• Tender bleeding gums
• Receding gums
• Sensitive teeth
• Painful chewing
• Premature tooth loss in severe cases
Treatment of periodontitis is mostly aimed at controlling the infection and varies depending on how the patient is affected. In most cases, dentists advise patients to practice good oral hygiene at home and embrace behaviour change, such as quitting smoking and avoiding too much sugary substances. However, at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa, there are various treatment options. Our dentists evaluate the extent to which your teeth have been damaged and take x-rays. After evaluation, they can recommend intensified cleaning intervals, scaling off the tartar, root planning, or surgery in some cases.
What is Obesity?
Obesity is a medical condition in which the body accumulates excess fats, impacting one's health. It is caused by genetic and environmental factors, personal diet choices, and lack of physical exercise. Obesity occurs when one consumes more calories than they burn up. Obesity is a cosmetic concern and a medical condition that predisposes one to other medical problems, among them poor oral health. An individual is considered obese when their body mass index (BMI) is above 30. There is no specific treatment for obesity, but making conscious dietary changes, increasing physical activity, and behavioural modifications gradually reduce obesity.
Connection between Obesity and Periodontal Disease
There is a connection between obesity and periodontal disease. Since obesity affects one's diet in terms of what they consume and how it's consumed, a high intake of high sugar content foods, particularly in children, increases the risks of building plaque on teeth, thus exposing them to tooth decay. Studies show that the more obese one is, the higher the chances of developing gum disease. A high diet in fats and calories, including large amounts of processed foods accompanied by lack of physical exercise, leads to obesity. The same foods can cause periodontitis.
Is Obesity A Threat to Dental Health?
Poor diet such as that which causes obesity results in a lack of essential nutrients in the body, making it difficult for the body to fight off infections in the mouth. Recent studies indicate that obesity is linked to persistent low-grade systemic inflammation that can cause obesity-related problems, making the body vulnerable to different kinds of infections. It is thus accurate to conclude that obesity can pose serious threats to one's general oral health. Here are a few tips that can help reduce body fat and improve oral health:
• Always keep your food portions in check
• Regulate your sugar intake
• Drink less soft drinks and more water
• Avoid junk and fast foods
• Increase physical exercise
• Brush your teeth twice a day
• Floss every night after brushing
If you are concerned about obesity, it is best to talk to your doctor. It is important to visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa if you are experiencing any oral health issues as a result of obesity. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to have an oral examination.