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Mouth Breathing: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatments 

Mouth breathing is a prevalent condition that affects many people. The main symptom of mouth breathing is the feeling of dryness in the throat, leading to coughing and wheezing. Mouth breathers have also been at a greater risk for developing sinus infections and pneumonia. Mouth-breathing has many complications that can affect your life, so it is important to be aware of the symptoms and understand the treatment options. Mouth-breathing is highly uncomfortable and a leading cause of other health problems. Here are some simple ways to help yourself breathe through your nose with the mouth-breathing disorder.

What is Mouth Breathing?
Mouth breathing is when you breathe through your mouth. Doing this causes a feeling of dryness in the throat and can lead to coughing and wheezing. There are two types of mouth-breathing: anatomic and functional. An anatomic mouth-breathing occurs due to an anatomical disorder that affects air intake, whereas a functional type is associated with decreased oxygen levels in the body.

Mouth-Breathing Symptoms
Mouth-breathing symptoms include:

• Dryness in the throat
• Coughing and wheezing
• Difficulty breathing
• Sinus problems
• Headaches
• Painful sinuses

The most common treatment for mouth-breathing is to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. CPAP machines bring a constant flow of air into the throat, which helps keep your airways open. Other treatments can help you manage your mouth breathing. These treatments include:

• Increasing hydration in the body: This can be done with water, Gatorade, or other hydrational beverages. The goal is to make sure you're staying hydrated, so your body's defence system functions correctly.
• Using a humidifier in the home or office: Humidifiers help you regulate humidity levels in your environment and keep it more comfortable by creating moisture in the air. In addition, they can provide a soothing effect on nasal passages and prevent further irritation from dryness of the nasal passages. 
• Trying different types of medication like decongestants, antihistamines, and antihistamine combinations or nose sprays to relieve symptoms quickly. 
• Using a nasal steroid spray or nose sprays daily to reduce inflammation. 
• Using a saline rinse to help clear the nasal passages. 
• Using an oral appliance that keeps the jaw forward and helps improve breathing.
• Getting allergy testing done to find out what's triggering your allergies and causing your body to produce excess mucus in your system. Getting allergy shots can help desensitize you from allergens that are causing your symptoms.
• Changing your diet by reducing or eliminating dairy products, artificial sweeteners, and spicy foods can cause congestion and worsen symptoms.
• Finding out if you have sleep apnea by visiting a sleep specialist who can test you for this condition. If you're suffering from breathing problems, it's important to understand how they affect your quality of life and how they can be managed. The best way to do this is to come in for a consultation with an ENT doctor readily who can review your condition and help you determine what treatment options are best suited for you.

Mouth-Breathing Complications
The complications that can arise from mouth-breathing are numerous. Some of the most common complications associated with this condition include sinus infections, poor sleep quality, and dry mouth. Additionally, many people suffer from respiratory problems as a result of mouth-breathing. These respiratory problems can include chronic cough and wheezing.

Treatments and Prevention
The most common treatment for mouth-breathing is to teach patients how to breathe through their nose. This can be accomplished with various methods, including behavioral therapy. Some other treatments may include nasal exercises, nasal sprays, or breathing retraining devices that help prevent the inhalation of air from the throat. In addition to these treatments, individuals who suffer from mouth-breathing can take several preventative measures. One of the most important preventive measures is minimizing the dryness in the mouth. Individuals who suffer from dry mouth are more likely to breathe through their mouths, so this is an essential step in preventing sleep apnea and other complications associated with mouth-breathing. Lastly, some people find that mouth-breathing affects their sleep quality, so it is essential to change your lifestyle to get enough sleep and rest. It is also necessary to stay hydrated and avoid alcohol to increase dehydration.

If you are experiencing symptoms of mouth breathing, visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa to speak with a specialists. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

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