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How Crooked Teeth Can Affect Your Child

Sometimes, issues like crooked teeth arise in children. You'd be surprised how many kids have misaligned teeth and how often parents ignore the issue when they shouldn't. The following are some ways misaligned teeth could affect your child.

Self-Esteem Issues
One reason you want to worry about your child's misaligned teeth is their self-esteem. At home, you do everything you can to make your children feel good about themselves, but they can still see things about themselves. They'll notice that people on TV have straight teeth, and they'll notice other children's teeth. Some kids can resist all of that, but other kids won't be able to, and their self-esteem may suffer. You don't want to make things harder for your child, visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa to figure out a dental treatment plan for your child.

Dental Hygiene Issues
You're probably encouraging your child to brush their teeth every day, and that's already challenging for some parents. Well, things can get a little harder if your child has misaligned teeth. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, it'll be harder for your child to brush and floss between every gap, no matter how well you teach your child to brush. Crooked teeth can create all sorts of spaces in your mouth where food and residue can hide from a toothbrush or your floss. Your child is probably not going to be able to reach these areas no matter how much they try. Consider braces or Invisalign to help straighten teeth. Visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre for a consultation. 

Higher Cavity Risk
Kids have a high-cavity risk depending on their diet. You know it's hard to get kids to stop eating sweets and other foods that cause cavities. Even if you do your best to avoid purchasing those types of items at home, the reality is your kids might be exposed to them outside your house. Things can get worse if your child has crooked teeth. You know how difficult it is for kids to brush their teeth properly if they have misaligned teeth. Well, this issue makes it easier for kids to develop cavities and even ailments like gum disease. If you want to reduce this risk, then braces or Invisalign are your best options, you can talk to your dentist at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa.

Problems with Digestion
One thing the body does to process food is make you chew. The more you chew, the more you process your food. This means your stomach will have an easier time doing its job. Perhaps this is the reason you get so much pleasure from chewing your food, but the problem for a child with misaligned teeth is that proper chewing may not be as simple. Sure, your child will still be able to eat, but the quality of your child's bite is going to be poorer, and that could cause digestion issues in the long run. Digestion issues won't show up overnight, but they might at some point, and you don't want to put your child through that.

Injuries Might be Likely
Depending on the severity of the misalignment, your child might be more prone to injury. Sometimes, this means they could easily chip or crack the misaligned tooth doing everyday things like playing around with friends. Other times the injury is internal. Teeth are a bit sharp, and that could hurt your child's lips or tongue every so often. This is not only painful for your child, but it also increases the risk of infection since your child will have more open wounds in their mouths than other children. You don't want your child to worry about something they shouldn't be worried about, so consider braces or Invisalign treatment at the Upper hunt Club Dental Centre.

Talk to your dentist to find out what they could for your child’s dental situation. Braces are great for more severe misalignment issues, while Invisalign is good for mild to moderate issues. Visit us at the Upper Hunt Dental Club Centre to discuss treatment options. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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