Consuming foods that have added sugar can lead to health issues. Some of the harmful effects of too much sugar include diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Also, high sugar foods are bad for your oral health. Your dentist at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa recommends limiting your daily sugar intake.
However, the foods we presume to be healthy may also add to your sugar intake. Such foods do not even have the slightest hint of sweetness. Below is a list of foods that contain a surprising amount of sugar.
1. Flavored Yogurt
Yogurt is regarded as one of the healthiest foods. It is rich in minerals as well as good-for-your-gut probiotics. While yogurt contains natural sugars, the flavored varieties also contain added sugars. This increases the amount of sugar in flavored yogurt to unhealthy levels.You will have to check the amount of added sugar in the flavored yogurt. You should avoid flavored yogurt that contains more than 10 grams of added sugar. Alternatively, you can buy healthy plain regular yogurt, which does not have added sugar. Then, you may add natural sweeteners like honey if prefer. Otherwise, the most popular low-fat yogurts contain a shockingly high sugar level. Some contain as high as 19 grams of sugar per serving. A whopping 13 grams come from added sugars.
2. Packaged Fruits
Packaged fruits such as cocktails, applesauce, and canned peaches contain added sugar. The added sugar is either in fruit juice concentrate, pureed fruit, or sugary syrup. Manufacturers use these sweeteners to boost the packed fruits' sweet bites. Such ingredients can cause increased bad cholesterol levels, weight gain, and teeth decay. Hence, you should purchase packaged fruit labeled with no added sugar. At times, the packaged fruit may be sweetened by artificial sweeteners. You should read the ingredient list to determine whether the fruit is packed without sweeteners.
3. Spaghetti Sauce
Spaghetti sauce is one of the unexpected foods with a surprisingly high amount of sugar on our list. Nonetheless, spaghetti sauce, a tomato-based product, will have higher sugars than non-tomato products. This is because of the fruit content in spaghetti sauce. For instance, spaghetti sauce has 16 grams of sugar per half a cup serving. This represents a massive 28% of your daily recommended sugar intake. Consequently, this means you could be consuming high-sugar products without knowing. Always check the sugar levels of the products you consume on their nutritional label. Foods with high sugar levels could impact your oral health. They can also cause weight gain and diabetes. Again, you should always rinse your mouth with water whenever you eat sugary products. Eat sugary foods in moderation. More importantly, visit your dentist at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa at least twice a year.
4. Peanut and Other Nut Butters
Butter, whether from peanut, almond, or cashew, is delicious as a bread topping. Besides, nut butter contains healthy fats that you can eat. Though, you should be cautious about the brand that you choose. Several butter brands are processed using added sugar and hydrogenated oils. Consequently, such nut kinds of butter become unhealthy and may compromise your efforts to maintain oral health. Some of the popular peanut butter brands in Canada list sugar as their second ingredient. Usually, ingredients are listed, starting with those in high quantities. As a result, it means such butter may contain high sugar content. You should check the sugar content on the label to avoid excess sugar butter. Some butter brands are sugar-free and only contain peanuts and sea salt.
5. White Bread
White bread usually contains added sugar. Most types of bread are loaded with more than 5 grams of sugar per slice. This is way above the average of 2 grams of sugar per slice in healthy bread. Additionally, in some bread, you may find ingredients such as fructose corn syrup. This further increases added sugar in bread, making it unhealthier. Bread brands like sprouted whole grain bread have just 1 gram of sugar per slice. Opt for such types of bread to save you from dental decay.
With the requirements to list ingredients on the food labels, read the nutrition fact label to make healthy food choices. Avoid being swayed by such exclamations as "all-natural." Instead, rely on the nutrition label and ingredient list. If sugar makes it to the top five in the ingredient list, you may try a different brand; this will ensure you maintain good oral health. Check up on your oral health by visiting us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!