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Consequences of Delayed Dental Visits & Treatment for Common Dental Issues

Taking care of your oral health is imperative for avoiding future dental problems. There are many ways to take good care of your teeth, from brushing them twice daily to getting regular dental check-ups and cleanings from the Upper Hunt Club Dental in Ottawa. Avoiding the dentist will only cause long-term consequences for yourself and your health.

The Consequences of Delayed Dental Visits

1. Toothaches and Dental Pain
Toothaches are one of the post common reasons patients come into the dental office. Toothaches are a frequent symptom of other underlying dental problems. If you visit your dentist immediately, your toothache might have a quick solution. But the longer you prolong a visit, the long and worse the pain will persist and it can lead to health complications.

2. Tooth Decay
Tooth decay another common reason patients come in for a dental visit. Tooth decay, or cavities, can be typically be treated quite easily when dealt with immediately. However, the longer you wait to visit your dentist the more risks you can experience. Untreated tooth decay can spread to the body and cause damage like a weakened immune system and even heart disease. 

3. Fractured Tooth
A fractured tooth can be caused by an accident, happen naturally with age, or can be a result of eating something too hard. Symptoms of a fractured tooth include pain or sensitivity on the injured tooth, swelling, and toothache. Leaving the tooth untreated can cause infection, tooth decay, and nerve damage. If you suspect a tooth fracture, visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre immediately. 

The Consequences of Delayed Dental Treatments

1. Diseased Dental Pulp
Diseased dental pulp is a huge risk in delayed dental treatment. For your teeth to remain strong and healthy, the centre of your tooth must contain a network of nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue called the dental pulp. Dental pulp forms the centre of your tooth root, which holds your teeth in place. Without dental pulp, bacteria will attack and infect it. Once the infection occurs in the tooth's heart (the pulpal tissue), it can spread to the surrounding bone and cause an abscessed tooth.

2. Tooth Loss
Tooth loss is common after a tooth becomes abscessed due to infection. The experience is painful but preventable if you do not delay your dental treatments. Tooth loss can be a slow or immediate outcome depending on the dental issue you were experiencing prior, this is why it’s imperative to have scheduled routine dental appointments as well as visit the dentist anytime you notice any concerning signs or symptoms.

3. Impaired Speech
Leaving an issue an untreated can result in pain and discomfort in your mouth. Especially if you are experiencing swelling, you can begin to speak differently to avoid this pain. The only way to permanently avoid the pain is by seeing a dentist immediately. You shouldn’t have dental issues affect your day-to-day life.

Tips for Overcoming Dental Anxiety
Dental anxiety is a common reason patients avoid visiting the dentist for regular visits or treatment. But there are ways to overcome your dental anxiety:

1. Inform Your Dentist About Your Anxiety
When your dentist is aware of your dental anxiety, they can take necessary steps to help make your visits and treatments more comfortable. Whether it’s mental advice to follow before or during your visit, or the help of medication such as IV sedation, it is important that your dentist is aware in order to be able to assist you accordingly.

2. Keep Up with Regular Dental Exams and Cleanings
Avoidance should not run your life. Make a promise to yourself and keep it. Understand that visiting the dentist is a necessity, and the longer your prolong it the more you will harm your own health. Keeping a routine will help you consistently make the effort to visit your dentist and be aware of your dental health. Regular dental cleanings help with the upkeep of your oral health, and exams will uncover any dental issues. If you stay on top of your oral health you reduce the risk of dental problems.

3. Have Moral Support
Having a friend or a family member come to the dentist with you can help ease your anxiety. Furthermore, it will help you stay accountable. Inform someone you trust about your dental anxiety and have them be aware of your upcoming appointments to help assure you don’t delay your visit.

It’s not uncommon for individuals to be avoidant of the dentist. But, at the end of the day, it is only harming your oral and overall health. Learn to take the necessary steps to feel more comfortable about regular dental visits and necessary treatments. Give our team at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa a call today to schedule a visit, and feel free a staff member about any of your dental concerns. Our team is here to make your dental visit a comfortable experience.  

Your dental benefits are due to expire at the end of the year. Don’t prolong your dental visit into 2023. Use your dental benefits as a motivating factor to schedule a dental visit at the Upper hunt Club Dental Centre located in Ottawa. Contact us today!

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