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Comprehensive List of Braces-Friendly Food Options

Starting your braces treatment does not only involved getting your braces on, it comes with a list of responsibilities. There are certain things you will need to begin to do and other things you will need to exclude. Food is a big factor in your braces treatment because certain foods can cause damage or inconveniences to your braces. Today we will be going over some braces-friendly food options that you should opt for if you are currently undergoing braces treatment.

Fruits and Vegetables
When you first get your braces on, your dentist at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre will let you know what foods you need to avoid. For instance, you should avoid biting into hard fruits and vegetables such as apples and carrots. This doesn’t mean you can’t eat these fruits and veggies throughout your braces treatment, you will just have to make some modifications such as cutting them into smaller pieces, mashing, or steaming to soften up these options. Here are some braces friendly fruit and vegetable ideas:

- Berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries
- Banana
- Steamed, roasted, or boiled vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower
- Avocado
- Watermelon
- Peas
- Tomatoes
- Dragon fruit
- Smoothies

Dairy and Dairy Substitutes
Dairy products, and some dairy substitutes, offer a source of protein and calcium highlighting the importance of implementing them into your diet. Ice cream may be your first thought when you hear dairy, but it is vital to also choose foods that positively impact your oral health. Consider these dairy and dairy-free options during your braces treatment:

- Milk or plant milk such as soy milk, almond milk, cashew milk
- Greek yogurt
- Tofu
- Kefir
- Sliced cheese
- Cottage cheese

Fish and Meat
During your treatment avoid tender and chewy meat such as steak. Instead elect softer options that will not cause damage to your braces. Some great braces-friendly meat and fish options include:

- Tuna
- Salmon
- Sliced deli meat
- Shredded chicken
- Ground turkey

Grains are a very important part of a healthy and nutritious diet. You will absolutely want to consume them, just assure to eat them soft. For example, avoid hard toasted breads and hard cereals. Here are some great options to consider:

- Pasta
- Rice
- Oatmeal
- Soft bread and wraps

Whole foods are always your best option for snacks. But when you’re on the go or in the mood for a sweeter option, consider these snack ideas:

- Sugar free Jell-O
- Coconut ice cream
- Unsweetened apple sauce
- Homemade soft cookies
- Hardboiled eggs
- Milkshake
- Cheese and soft crackers

Avoid These Foods
The rule of thumb is to avoid foods that are hard, sticky, and crunchy to prevent the risk of any harm being caused to your braces. These are some of the biggest culprits of broken brackets and emergency appointments:

- Popcorn
- Caramel
- Bubble gum
- Gummy or hard candy
- Nuts
- Corn on the cob

Upkeeping Good Oral Health During Your Treatment
It is important to keep your good oral health habits throughout your entire treatment. The truth is braces come with a greater sense of responsibility. You will want to carry an extra toothbrush, soft-picks, wax, and mouthwash at all times. Be prepared to brush in between meals as it is quite common for food to get stuck in your braces. Additionally, you want to avoid the stress of oral health issues such as cavities, gum disease, and periodontitis.

When you first get your braces on there will be some adjustments you will have to make. Aside from the general feeling of braces in your mouth, you will also need to brush more thoroughly, use floss appropriate for braces, and staying up to date with all of your consistent appointment.

Remember that if your braces get damaged at any point during your treatment to schedule an appointment as soon as possible with us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa to make all required fixes. Continuing your treatment with any broken components will halt the effectiveness of your treatment. If you are considering braces or have any questions about the treatment, contact us today to schedule an appointment at Upper Hunt Dental Centre in Ottawa.

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