Accidents may occur at any moment, but we encounter a lot more dental emergencies during the warmer months since we're all more active and hence more vulnerable to oral issues. This post highlights some common summer dental dangers, how to maintain a healthy smile, and where to turn if dental emergencies occur in your family!
Types of Summer Dental Emergencies
While we all like indulging during our summer vacations, it's critical that we don't neglect to brush our teeth, particularly if we're indulging in ice cream and carbonated beverages. If your dental hygiene practice begins to deteriorate, you may experience intense or continuous tooth pain, as well as inflammation around a tooth. To relieve discomfort, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water and floss to remove any stuck food. Never apply aspirin or other pain relievers to the gums around a hurting tooth since this may damage the surrounding tissue. If you experience a severe toothache that lasts longer than two days, visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa right away to ensure it's not something more serious.
Chipped Teeth
The pool is where the vast majority of summer accidents occur. Chipped teeth are quite frequent in both children and adults, and they are typically easily sustained. If you have a chipped tooth, you should rinse your mouth using warm water and apply gauze to the wound to stop the bleeding. Apply an ice pack to the affected region to minimize discomfort and swelling, and take a pain killer. Then schedule a dental visit to check up on and fix the chipped tooth.
Knocked Out Tooth
It is common to lose a tooth when participating in high-contact activities like rock climbing, football, soccer, and other strenuous summer activities. If you do happen to knock out a tooth, pick it up right by the crown. Before going to a dental centre in Ottawa, rinse it with lukewarm water and, if feasible, immerse it in a glass of cold water, saline, or milk.
Lost Filling or Crown
When you consume hard, sticky foods, crowns and fillings can fall out, or they might become loose in the tooth. A crown or filling is seldom a crisis, but it can be excruciatingly painful since the affected tooth is so sensitive. You should see your dentist right once to minimize further damage to the exposed tooth and to keep the dentin below from altering shape. Meanwhile, apply dental cement directly to your tooth's surface to safeguard and seal it.
Damaged Braces, Brackets or Wires
If you have a broken or loose bracket or brace, gently apply some wax to help with the discomfort and schedule an appointment with your orthodontist immediately to inform them of the accident. In addition, orthodontic wax can be used to repair a bulging wire that aggravates your gums or face.
Preventing Dental Emergencies
Impose Pool Safety
During the summer, dentists around the country witness an upsurge in oral health problems from swimming pool mishaps. Falling on a wet decking or brushing up against the swimming pool wall can quickly result in a broken tooth. If you adopt pool safety, you don't have to forgo swimming. Avoid running on wet decking to limit the chance of injury, and do not plunge into shallow water.
Eat Healthy Summer Snacks
You'll most likely consume a lot of savory foods and delightful sweets while travelling. Don't allow the things you eat to stain your teeth. Consume healthful meals and snacks that are low in sugars and carbs. If you can't stop yourself from eating anything sweet, rinse your teeth with water or brush them afterward.
Promote Sports Safety
If you are participating in contact sports during the summer vacation, never take your mouth guard off. Soccer and football games are prone to causing dental issues such as cracked teeth and cut lips. With sports-related dental injuries accounting for up to 39% of all dental injuries, wearing a mouth guard will help to protect your smile.
See Your Dentist
Visiting the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa before your summer vacation can ensure that any essential dental issues are addressed. This will assist in avoiding difficulties like as missing fillings, crowns, or broken braces on a hot summer day.
Even with these measures and all the care you take to protect your mouth, dental emergencies may and will occur, so it's critical to understand your treatment choices. If you call us for an emergency appointment, you won't have to let a dental accident or toothache ruin your summer enjoyment. We will do everything necessary to see you as quickly as possible, relieve your discomfort, and treat your tooth issue. Visit us at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre today!