We all know that playgrounds are a place for children to enjoy their childhood, but every once in a while, problems arise. One of the most common problems is dental injuries from falls and collisions. This can have a huge impact on the health of your child's teeth.
Every day on the playground, children are exposed to potential dental injuries. These injuries are caused by accidental falls, the use of sharp objects, and collisions with other children. Just think how often your children come in contact with things at the playground. Here's a list of common dental injuries on the playground.
1. Dislocated or Loose Primary Tooth
Sometimes when your child falls and knocks their primary tooth out, the tooth may be dislocated or loose. Primary teeth are the first set of teeth that a child gets. Primary teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth as they grow.
2. Broken Primary Tooth
Primary teeth are susceptible and can break easily. The fragile tooth can crack, chip, or fracture when your child falls. When a primary tooth breaks, you will know immediately because there is usually a lot of pain. Even if the tooth is not loose, it may be broken. Pain will be felt when chewing, eating, and touching the area.
3. Dislocated Permanent Tooth
Permanent teeth are the teeth that are replaced by primary teeth. A permanent tooth can be dislocated if it gets hit in the mouth. When this happens, the upper jaw thrusts forward on the lower jaw pulling muscles from their sockets and causing the tooth to displace. The tooth will not fall out but will be pushed out of its normal position.
4. Broken Permanent Tooth
The force of a hard ball, swing or slide can easily break one or more of your child's permanent teeth. The force can be transferred from the playground object to your child's face, causing severe damage. This is why watching your children while playing on the playground is so important.
5. Tears
When a child falls, hits their face, or is hurt in some other way, they may cut their lips or the inside of their mouth. These cuts and tears can cause pain and bleeding, which a dentist may need to treat.
6. Puncture Wounds
A playground injury can also cause a child to get puncture wounds in their mouth, which can significantly affect their eating, speaking, and overall well-being. A puncture wound happens when a sharp object pierces the skin. This is a severe playground injury that should be seen by a dentist immediately.
Most dental injuries to the mouth will heal on their own after a few days. However, your dentist may need to administer antibiotics and tetanus injections. Dentists may need to treat teeth that have broken in the mouth, remove dislodged teeth or even stitch wounds.
Be vigilant of objects and activities that could cause injuries to your children. Pay close attention to your children at all times. Keep an eye on their behavior and recognize when something is wrong, even if your child isn't saying anything.
Another way to prevent injuries is by choosing playground equipment for different age groups and skill levels. Make sure that there are no sharp edges or corners on this equipment. The surfaces should be safe for children of all ages and abilities.
When your child has an acute dental injury, the dentist will ensure they are okay before treating it. The dentist will clean out any debris in the mouth and fill any damaged or loose teeth. They will also put a protective bandage over the injured area of your child's mouth to prevent infection and healing problems during the healing process.
To help prevent accidents teach your children the importance of being careful on playgrounds. Avoid play structures when wet or icy. Assure they are wearing proper attire and are avoiding things that could cause injuries such as jumping from high structures or running too quickly.
It is back to school, so ensure your child's dental health is as good as can be by ensuring that you are taking them to the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa for regular checkups and cleanings. Teach your children proper hygiene and hygiene habits. Contact us today to schedule a dental appointment!