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Bad Breath in Babies

Like adults, toddlers, and teenagers, babies are susceptible to bad breath, also known as halitosis. A myriad of factors can influence its severity. If you're not sure what to do, stick around as we share some insight on dealing with bad breath in babies.

Why Do Babies Have Bad Breath?
Babies are the real depiction of cuteness. Aside from their frequent diaper situations, traces of foul breath can be off-putting. Different situations can lead to bad breath. Some are easy to cure with home remedies, and others require help from professionals. Whatever the case, here are a few symptoms to look out for:

• Poor Hygiene - Lack of proper dental care is the main culprit of bad breath in babies. Not cleaning your child's teeth properly allows bacteria to build-up on the tongue, teeth, and gums. Aside from producing a foul odour, these germs can lead to gingivitis and even cavities. Ensure to visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa for optimal dental care.
• Toys - Babies love to stuff their mouths on anything they can reach. When these items are in contact with a baby's mouth, germs are transferred, which can lead to a foul, pungent smell in their breath.
• Dry Mouth - A dry mouth can be a common symptom of dehydration. It causes their saliva stores to dry up, allowing harmful bacteria to build up on the surface of their tongue, which leads to bad breath.
• Smelly Foods - Some foods like cheese can adopt a foul odour. More so, these foods linger around the digestive tract causing prolonged foul breath until full digestion.
• Milk - Enzymes within the milk when exposed to air for some time, tend to dry up and smell fishy. If your baby ingests too much milk, they tend to regurgitate it into their esophagus, where it dries up and develops a foul odour.
• Sugar - Sugar is the number one source of plaque and tooth decay. A baby with a sweet tooth tends to endorse the growth of bacteria, which feed off the sugar particles within the mouth to produce pungent gases. Seek professional assistance from the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa for treatment
• Cavities or Plaque Build-Up - Cavities are the optimal breeding ground for foul scents and plaque. Bacteria within your baby's mouth get trapped inside these cavity pockets and accumulate.
• Inflamed Tonsils - When bacteria find their way onto your baby's tonsils, it causes tonsil stones that produce a foul smell.
• Sinus Infection - A sinus infection causes fluid and mucus accumulation along the nasal passages of your baby, coating it with smelly mucus associated with bad breath.
• Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - When your baby's acidic levels spike up, their digestive acids bubble up, emanating a potent acidic smell.
• Common Cold - When your baby is sick with a cold, their body produces extra mucus, causing bacteria to grow, which results in bad breath.
• Allergy - An allergic reaction can cause a foul odour in your baby's breath. More so, antihistamines in allergy medications reduce your baby's saliva production, thus leading to dry mouth.

What to Do If Your Baby Has Bad Breath
• Brush Developing Teeth and Gums at least Twice a Day - This helps eradicate germ and plaque build-up within your baby's mouth. Avoiding flossing as it can damage your baby's soft gum tissue.
• Frequently Sanitize Pacifiers and Toys - Germs tend to pass on effectively through dirty objects. Your baby is bound to put foreign objects into their mouth. Therefore, you need to thoroughly clean these items like toys, pacifiers, etc. beforehand.
• Hydration – Regularly give your baby water from time to time to help flush down the deposits left on their tongue.

How to Tell If Your Baby Needs a Dentist
You should visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa if you air the following concerns:
• Your baby always awakens with a sharp breath
• Home treatments and hygiene care don't do much to negate it
• You fear your baby is in pain
• Swollen gums or cheeks
• Your child is eating less

Eradicating foul smells in your baby's breath can be as simple as regular dental care. If your child showcases symptoms of tooth decay or gum issues, visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa immediately. Contact us to schedule an appointment!

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