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Teaching Children About Oral Health

There are many lessons that parents should teach their children and one of the most important lessons is how to properly care for their teeth. If you start from an early age, your children are more likely to care for their teeth as they get older. Aside from taking your child for regular checkups at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa, there are a few other tips we have for parents.

Ways to Teach Your Children About Oral Health
Children retain information better when the lessons they're learning are taught in a fun manner, so thinking of innovative ways to teach them about oral health is a great way to get them interested and involved. Lessons should be age-appropriate and done as often as possible to reinforce the information they are being given. Some fun ways to teach your children about oral health include:

• Reading books about brushing and flossing
• Watching videos with their favourite characters talking about the importance of oral health
• Having them draw or colour pictures relating to oral health, such as teeth, toothbrushes, or smiles
• Letting them pick out their own toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, and mouthwash
• Setting a timer so they know how long to brush their teeth for
• Playing music while they're brushing and flossing to keep them engaged

The Importance of Children Knowing About Oral Health
Oral health affects the body in many ways. Poor oral health can lead to problems like cavities which, when left untreated, can cause pain and infection. Repeatedly needing dental treatment, such as fillings or crowns, can cause children to miss valuable time in school. This missed time in school can really add up and lead to social and developmental delays. Teaching children about oral health from a young age not only helps prevent cavities and other oral health problems from occurring, but it also makes them more likely to practice proper oral hygiene as they get older.

Why Children Need To Learn About Oral Health From A Young Age
Even though primary teeth aren't permanent, they play an important role in adult teeth forming. Primary teeth that aren't cared for can result in gum disease and even prohibit the adult teeth from erupting properly. Even before a child's first tooth erupts, their gums need to be cared for. Wiping a baby’s gums with a soft cloth twice a day removes the harmful bacteria that can cause cavities to form. Once the first tooth erupts, children should brush and floss twice daily to maintain good oral health.

Ways A Dentist Can Help Teach Children About Oral Health
While parents are their child's first teacher, help from professional outside sources is always encouraged. A dentist is a great resource for parents who are trying to teach their children about oral health. Our dental professionals at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa can answer any questions you or your children have about oral health. They can also help ease your child's fears about visiting the dentist by showing them all the instruments used during a dental cleaning.

Bringing your children to the dentist as soon as their first tooth erupts, or by their first birthday, is the best way to get them comfortable with going. If they practice going to the dentist twice a year from a young age, it will become a regular part of their routine and won't cause the anxiety that can build up in children that haven't been exposed to the dentist from a very young age.

Children learn by watching so practicing good oral hygiene for yourself will also help teach them about oral health. If they see you brushing and flossing twice a day and going to the dentist twice a year for cleanings, they will be more likely to follow your example and continue that as they grow up. Teaching children about oral health doesn't have to be difficult. Remember to make it fun for them and express how important it is that they start caring for their teeth now so they have healthy teeth in the future. If you have any additional questions about your child’s oral health, schedule an appointment for a dental checkup. Contact us today.

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