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How to Have a Tooth Friendly Halloween

Halloween is around the corner, and at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa, we know what that means – an increased chance of dental problems for your children. It is estimated that Canadians spend over 300 million dollars every year on candy alone, and this doesn’t include how much is spent on other Halloween items such as haunted houses, amusement parks, and costumes. On Halloween day, parents not only have to worry about the safety of their children, but they also have to make sure that their kids don't end up with a bunch of cavities in their mouths by the end of the month. Here are five ways you can allow your child to have a great Halloween while keeping them safe from tooth decay and other oral health problems. 

Let Your Child Eat Small Amounts of Candy
Once your child comes home after trick-or-treating the first thing they will do is to try to eat as much candy as they possibly can in the shortest span of time. Before your child dives into their candy, go through the candy and make sure it is safe and don't let them eat large amounts of candy before bed. This will prevent tooth decay and an upset stomach. You could also try giving them a little bit of the candy at a time, like awarding them with a few sweets for cleaning up their rooms, putting a few candies in their lunch bag before school, or allowing them to have a little bit of Halloween candy after eating dinner.

Floss and Brush Before Bed
Leaving junk food on your teeth, especially during the night can cause tooth decay. Even the salts in chips can be potentially harmful to the tooth's enamel. If the decay reaches into the pulp of the tooth, it can cause the whole tooth to rot, and a root canal will be needed. If the tooth stays infected, it will eventually need to be taken out. Even when it isn't Halloween, you still need to enforce the importance of taking care of your teeth to your children, and how damaging sweet things can be to our enamel. Using mouth wash before brushing your teeth will make it easier for the toothbrush to brush away food particles. It is important to be helping your child floss everyday, but it is especially crucial during Halloween.

Eat Candy After Dinner
Once your child comes home after a night of trick-or-treating, make them eat a big plate of dinner before letting them get a bite of their candy. Since they will be full, they will have limited space in their stomachs for candy. Some kids will even save eating their candy for later.

Sugar Free Alternatives
Now your child may hate this option, they might scream, have a tantrum, and they will most likely avoid eating the sugar free option, but at the end of the day, it'll be much better for their health. Some sugar-free candy bars taste just as good as the sugary ones and giving your child fruit bars is a good option as well.

Pass Out Candy Instead
If your child comes home early from trick or treating, let them pass out some of their own candy to their peers instead of keeping all the candy to themselves. This would be an especially good idea if they came home with a bag that is overflowing with candy. This will also teach your child about how to develop healthy boundaries with candy and teach them discipline.

Visit The Dentist
Even if you floss and brush your teeth daily, you can still end up with some nasty cavities. In addition to that, Halloween is quickly followed by Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays that will encourage the habit of unhealthy eating and gluttony. It is advised that you take your to the dentist every six months, but if your child has a sweet tooth, you may want to book an extra appointment.

Halloween is a time to dress up, decorate, and eat candy. Your child can still have a fun Halloween without the risk of dental problems as long as you take the correct measures. For more information on how to have a tooth friendly Halloween, visit the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre in Ottawa. Contact us today to also book an appointment to check up on your child’s oral health. Have a happy and safe Halloween!

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