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How Tobacco Negatively Affects Oral Health

You already know that smoking cigarettes is bad for your lungs and cardiovascular system, but it is also bad for your oral health. The nicotine and other chemicals from cigarettes enters your mouth first, causing health problems that often lead to issues including but not limited to loss of teeth along with having gingivitis and bad breath. There are both short-term and long-term oral health problems that are associated with
smoking tobacco products.

Short-term Problems Caused By Smoking
Bad Breath
After smoking a cigarette, you will probably have bad breath. Halitosis is offensive to others while you are talking to them, but it can also indicate that you have other oral health problems.

Smoking can cause changes in your gums, leading to gingivitis and periodontal disease. When your gums are inflamed it bleeds easily when brushing your teeth, this leads to bone loss and mobile teeth.

When your gums recedes, the roots of your teeth are exposed, causing sensitivity while you are eating foods and drinking beverages. If your mouth feels sensitive while you are chewing foods, then you may want to consider using a sensitive tooth paste.

Long-term Problems Caused By Smoking
There are also long-term problems associated with tobacco use, including having dark stains all over your teeth. You may have dark brown discolouration that look like spots, or you might have overall yellow discolouration. While you can have your teeth whitened to remove this discolouration, if you have exposed roots around your teeth, then the sensitivity in your mouth makes it difficult to have this cosmetic procedure.

Oral Cancer
However, the most dangerous risk that you face from smoking is developing oral cancer in the mouth. There are several symptoms caused by oral cancer such as having lumps on the gums or palate of your mouth. In addition, chronic bad breath, pain in the mouth or bleeding gums can indicate that you have oral cancer. If you have oral cancer, then you can develop pain in the throat, mouth or ears.

It is important to take precautionary actions if you are a frequent smoker. At Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre, we highly recommend frequent tobacco users to have an oral cancer screening as there is an increase of risk. Contact us today to book an appointment and have a better understanding of your oral health!

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