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Dental Hygiene Tips

Why are some people more prone to cavities than others? The reasons for that are complex. Some of them are genetic. However, a good program of regular dental hygiene at home can go a long way to help prevent cavities, bad breath and gum disease.

Dental hygiene is the practice of keeping your teeth, mouth and gums as clean as possible. You should brush and floss your teeth thoroughly twice a day. Brushing properly removes plaque, a sticky film that forms on your teeth. Plaque contains bacteria and acids that can cause tooth decay. Sugar and other carbohydrates encourage plaque formation the most. This is especially true of sticky, sweet food like caramel.

Make sure you use a good toothpaste containing fluoride. Fluoride is good for your teeth for several reasons:
• It helps to replace lost tooth minerals that keep teeth strong
• It helps to harden tooth enamel to make teeth more decay-resistant
• Fluoride has an anti-bacterial action

Flossing and Brushing
Flossing your teeth is important because proper flossing removes the plaque between teeth that your brush can't reach. It also removes food particles that contribute to tooth decay and bad breath. The idea is to leave no place for decay-causing bacteria to hide.

To properly floss your teeth, pull a length of floss off the spool. The waxed variety slides between teeth better. The length of floss should be sufficient to allow you to securely hold it as you clean each tooth. Start with the back molars on one side. With your fingers, form a C shape with the floss around each tooth. Gently move the floss between each tooth. Move along until you have cleaned between every tooth in your mouth. Rinse thoroughly with water to wash away loosened plaque and particles of food.

Always floss before you brush. That way, your toothbrush can help to further remove any residual material loosened by the floss. Brush thoroughly for at least two minutes twice a day. Be sure you get all tooth surfaces, including the biting surfaces of your molars and the backs of your upper and lower front teeth.

Start children young when teaching them how to brush. Under supervision, let them learn how to floss, too. Be sure they understand that they cannot swallow the toothpaste. For infants and very young toddlers, you can use a piece of gauze wrapped around your finger to clean their teeth as they come in. There is no such thing as starting a dental hygiene program too early.

Many Dental Problems are Preventable
Failing to maintain good dental hygiene can lead to a lifetime of dental misery and expense. Teeth are meant to last a lifetime and often will if cared for properly. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss. Failure to brush can lead to cavities. Be sure to visit your dentist twice a year or as they recommend. A dentist can find and fix small dental problems before they become big ones. Without regular dental visits, a small cavity can become so large that it cannot be filled. A crown and possibly even a root canal will be required to repair it.

Mouthwash and Fluoride
Many people think that mouthwash is only to freshen the breath, but this isn't true. If you use an anti-bacterial mouthwash, it can help to prevent gum disease by killing the bacteria that cause it.

Additional Dental Hygiene Tips
•  Be sure to brush your tongue to remove bacteria there
•  Reduce or eliminate soft drinks
•  Keep refined sugar intake to a minimum
•  Apples, nuts, cheese and vegetables are tooth-friendly snacks
•  Tobacco products are damaging to oral health. If you smoke, quit by whatever means necessary
•  Ask your dentist about recommended toothpaste
•  Make sure your toothbrush's bristles fit into the crevices of your molars
•  Don't cover your toothbrush
•  Replace your toothbrush every three months

It is important to maintain good oral hygiene in order to assure your oral health is in its best condition. Here at the Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre located in South of Ottawa, your dental health is our primary concern. Contact us today to book an appointment, we warmly welcome new patients.

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