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Cavities-What You Need to Know

Many people experience the discomfort and nuisance of a cavity but do you know what causes them. These troublesome holes in your teeth are a result of tooth decay that happens in various stages.

Bacteria will find a place on the enamel of your teeth and if nothing is done, this bacteria will go deeper and deeper into the tooth itself. Bacteria typically occurs from plaque build-up on the teeth from such substances as sugar or acids that have not been cleaned. Other causes for tooth decay could be the absence of fluoride in your daily routine. If the bacteria is allowed to remain in your mouth, it finds its way into the tiny cracks of the enamel of your teeth. Soon, the inner portion of your tooth known as the dentin has been compromised and you begin to feel pain and sensitivity when you eat or drink.

If left untreated, cavities can turn into major problems in your teeth. Costly treatments such as root canals and loss of teeth could result if you do not treat cavities right away. The pain associated with advanced mouth problems can be avoided with important prevention techniques. If you don't treat these issues they can keep you from eating your favorite foods or drinking hot or cold beverages. The longer the problem persists, the more costly and damaging the problem can prove to be.

The good news is that weaknesses and holes in your teeth can be avoided with the proper prevention. A healthy oral regimen protects your teeth against harmful substances. Brushing regularly, accompanied by flossing, helps to clean teeth of unhealthy bacteria. You can also protect your teeth by limiting your intake of sugary food and drinks. Water is the best choice during the day to keep your teeth healthy and the less snacking you do-the easier it is to avoid problems.

It is just as important for you to visit your dentist regularly, twice a year to keep your mouth free of problems. Professionals at the Ottawa Dentist’s Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre use the latest technology and advances to ensure you avoid cavities and other issues. The dentists and technicians at Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre provide stress-free visits that include sedation and laser dentistry. Even patients who feel apprehension about seeing a dentist find these professionals to offer a different type of dental experience.

So, practice healthy daily routines to protect your teeth, like brushing and flossing. Your oral health is just as important as your physical health. Avoid sugary foods and drinks and schedule your visits to the Ottawa Dentist at Upper Hunt Club Dental Centre and you will maintain a bright and trouble free smile.

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